Prospectus Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Why Train With Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers
Aspire Trainers
Progression Between Modules
Considerations For The Future
Complaints and Appeals
Course Fees
Terms and Conditions link
Enrolment form link
Many thanks for requesting this Prospectus for the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy with Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers (from here on in referred to as Aspire).
This prospectus explains what Aspire can offer you and how training in clinical hypnotherapy will provide you with a rewarding and exciting career. This prospectus is designed to provide all the information you need to decide to train with us.
Many hypnotherapy training providers are operating in Australia currently. However, often the information can seem conflicting or confusing and frequently leaves a lot of important questions unanswered. We aim to provide you with a high quality of professional training that equips you with both the confidence and the essential skills to offer your service as a competent practising Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Aspire’s Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy exceeds all current industry requirements to operate as a qualified Hypnotherapist in Australia. This course has been created to align with the new education standards recently approved by the industry. These standards will be mandatory from 2024. However, you will be ahead of the curve if you train with Aspire.
Qualifying as a Hypnotherapist is only a part of the process. Here at Aspire, we will provide you with all the information and guidance required to set up and run a successful hypnotherapy practice. We will also share our clinical experience gained over many years in our private clinics with you.
In this prospectus, we not only outline the complete course content but the additional information to enable you to make an informed choice about how to proceed with your interest in hypnotherapy.
Working as a Clinical Hypnotherapist will bring you into contact with many vulnerable people or experiencing some difficulty in their lives. Therefore ethics and personal integrity play a vital role in the assessment process. In addition, Aspire operates under the principle of continuous feedback for all delegates, providing you with the guidance and support to complete your course successfully.
We hope this prospectus provides you with all the information you need. However, if you require more information or would like to discuss anything further, feel free to contact us. We are here to help you make the right choice for you.
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Why Train With Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers?
Aspire Trainers
Your Trainer/s
Lead trainer – Lisa Webber
Lisa Webber is a focused, compassionate, and warm individual with an unparalleled dedication to bringing change to the lives of others, both personally and professionally. Her commitment to wellness and education was derived from the innate desire to help and support family and friends from a young age. She has continued on this pathway to the current day. Lisa provides education and training, coupled with support and understanding to collaborate with people, teams and organisations to meet their needs and achieve their goals through efficient and effective interventions.
Lisa’s commitment and dedication to education and training in the pursuit of excellence are highlighted in the various roles she has taken on throughout her career. These roles include, but are not limited to:
– an Executive Committee position on the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA), which is Australia’s peak body for hypnotherapy
– delivering accredited hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy training across Australia
– Training Officer for the Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia (PHA Inc.)
– Training Officer for the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA)
– providing supervision for a large number of new and experienced hypnotherapists throughout Australia comprising of psychologists, counsellors, social workers, and clinical hypnotherapists
Counsellor – Jo Crothers
Jo Crothers has been working within the field of counselling for the past 15 years. What started with a goal to assist in rehabilitating offenders led her to spend over a decade working in case management, individual, group and family counselling and leadership roles within the corrective services industry. During this time, Jo provided ongoing training and support to new employees as they developed their skills and strategies working in this field. In addition, Jo studied clinical hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy and has been operating her own private practice for the past five years, working collaboratively with clients.
Over time, Jo’s career has evolved to include training and mentoring in counselling, hypnotherapy and assessment skills. On occasion, she has attended high school educational institutions to engage students with career training and progression. Jo is a trained trauma informed Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist with a Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy, Graduate Diploma in Health Counselling and Master of Counselling and has completed further training in the fields of trauma, depression and anxiety, Perinatal Loss and Bereavement, Hypnobirthing, Fertility, Hormones and Weight Management, grief and loss, addictions, relationships counselling, and family and domestic violence.
Jo has a strong commitment to personal and professional development and encourages others within the mental health field to participate in training to ensure that our services are of a high standard. She is very passionate about working with people to build strong assessment skills and providing ongoing education, training and support, particularly in the mental health areas surrounding suicide, self-harm and risk of harm to others. She believes that students can increase their confidence and skills to deliver an excellent service with a strong foundation and ongoing support.
Hypnotherapy is now more widely accepted as a method for helping clients make beneficial changes in their lives. Clinical hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process that creates an altered state of consciousness. It encourages relaxation, which heightens suggestibility. Using an induction instigates this process, thus allowing perceptions, thoughts, feelings and behaviours to alter. You may be surprised by the amount of research legitimatising hypnotherapy.
The course curriculum provides graduates with a Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy which is recognised by hypnotherapy associations within Australia, enabling students to apply to join their preferred hypnotherapy association upon completing the requirements.
Aspire has a single purpose – Enhancing the profession through the pursuit of excellence. Therefore the course includes a comprehensive theory base, hypnosis skills, counselling skills, and business skills to help undertake a new business. The techniques learned are vital to ensure you are equipped to support your clients efficiently and effectively.
While many hypnotherapy training schools provide scripts for their students, we focus on developing critical thinking skills. This is because we believe that when a client comes to you, you are not treating a symptom but rather helping a person make the changes they desire. To this end, we don’t focus so much on treating this condition or that one, but instead, use STRATEGIC PSYCHOTHERAPY to uncover how somebody maintains an undesirable pattern of thinking or behaviour. As such, this course is not for the faint hearted. It is a comprehensive course, with extensive work to be completed within a year (from the first ‘face to face’ module).
At Aspire, we understand that graduating with our Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy is only the first step in your learning journey to have a long and successful career in the profession. As such, you will be eligible to participate in monthly ‘live online’ group supervision sessions after the course. This is complimentary to support you to implement your new skills and knowledge competently and confidently.
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Progression Between Modules
Progression from one module to the next is determined by a student’s performance in the course. (Payments must also be up to date). Students must complete the mandatory assessments to ensure they are ready to proceed with the new content. These mandatory assessments will require a commitment of approximately five hours per week. Attendance at the next ‘face to face’ module is only possible once mandatory assessments have been completed.
Aspire will provide all Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy students with a range of prescribed readings in the form of electronic texts.
At Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers, we value quality and want our students to become highly skilled and knowledgeable. As such, all assessments require to be deemed satisfactory. Some assessments are mandatory to complete before moving forward with the training course. You can come back to the others. Each assessment will be clearly labelled, either way. Some assessments will be marked electronically, and you will receive immediate feedback. Most assessments will be marked manually, and this is a time-consuming process. These assessments will generally be marked within three weeks. If this is not possible for some reason, you will be informed and provided with the assessment timeframe.
If you have two failed attempts at any assessment, you will be prompted to book a support call with the assessor. If a practical video assessment is deemed unsatisfactory twice, a fee of $50 per assessment will be incurred by the student when they resubmit such an assessment to cover the assessor’s time.
All assessments submitted must be your work, in your own words.
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People from many backgrounds and experiences attend our training courses and develop successful careers in the profession. No previous experience is required. What is critically important is your desire to become an effective therapist through commitment and curiosity to learn, the flexibility of thinking and a compassionate nature.
• You are motivated and committed to embracing all aspects of the course.
• You have emotional maturity and know your limits, enabling you to work with clients safely while also caring for yourself.
• Your personality enables you to work with potentially vulnerable clients
• You must be proficient in written and oral English language and have basic numeracy skills.
• You will require basic computer skills to navigate the student portal. (‘How to’ videos are available to support you)
• You have no medical conditions which are contraindicated in hypnosis such as bipolar, schizophrenia or epilepsy and are not undergoing medical treatment, which may hinder your ability to attend the ‘face to face’ modules.
Considerations For The Future
We appreciate that trust is required when providing any personal information online. As such, Aspire make it a high priority to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal and medical information you provide to us. Therefore, only registered members of Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers will have access to your personal information.
Click here for Aspire’s Privacy Policy.
At Aspire, we understand that as you progress through the course, a psychological assessment may make completing the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy contraindicated. Therefore, you will be bound by the faculty’s decision as to your suitability to continue. If you are no longer permitted to continue within the course, Aspire will refund the remaining portion of ‘face to face’ modules.
Complaints and Appeals
Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers is firmly committed to conducting business to the highest legal and ethical standards. Therefore, if you have any issues or concerns, we want to know about them so they can be addressed.
Click here for Aspire’s Complaints and Appeals Policy.
At Aspire, we want to ensure all students have a safe learning environment. As such, Aspire reserves the right to terminate a student’s participation in the course due to any misconduct (violence, discrimination, plagiarism, or any other unacceptable behaviour that impacts the course or the students) or unpaid fees. Accordingly, refunds will generally not be issued under such circumstances.